

Tinc en tu filla meva un cor d'or, en el teu somriure el millor record, en les teves abraçades la meva felicitat. Encara que el calendari em diu que avui t'he de dir el molt que et vull, espero que sàpigues que et vull tots els dies de l'any, molt més que no unes simples paraules puguin expressar.Que et vull moltissim que ets el millor que m'ha passat, no canviïs mai ets total



39 comentaris:

Striper ha dit...

Fesli umn peto de part meva i tambe la felicites.

zel ha dit...

Si les mames som així, ens morim pels fills, felicita-la també de part meva, i un petonàs per tu!

....... . ... . .... .. ... ... ... . . .. M or S e . . . . ha dit...

Molts d'anys! que gaudeixis del teu aniversari 15 anys són una edat a recordar! :)

Marta ha dit...

feliçitats per la teva filla, i petons per las dues.

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assumpta ha dit...

Felicitats per a la teva filla!
Quinze anys...! Com la primavera, esclatant en la vida !!!
Un petonet per a cadascuna !

LlunA ha dit...

Petó gran per la filla i per la mama!!!

Josep Lluís ha dit...

Felicitats per la filla, quin regal una mare així... quin regal tenir quinze anys...

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If i was to suffer hunger and there was not much supplies I'd sing and sing because maybe somefay someone will see me singing and take me as an artist and then there would be one day that I would not suffer anymore because never in the life I grew up did I complain about the suffering I had since I was born.

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Today, members of United States 5th Marine Regiment and 6th Marine Regiment, the Army's 2nd Infantry Division, the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, the Army's 3rd Squadron - 4th Cavalry Regiment, and the Army's 1st Battalion - 28th Infantry Regiment, are authorized to wear a fourragère signifying that brigade's award of three Croix de guerre during the World War I, but only while that individual is assigned to the unit. The wearing of the decoration is considered ceremonial and the fourragère is not entered as an official military award in permanent service records.
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Gouvy is midway between St. Vith and Bastogne. Commanding Officer of the unit, Lt. Col. Robert O. Stone, and Pfc. Joseph P. Regis of the unit, received the Croix de guerre Avec Palme.
Today, members of United States 5th Marine Regiment and 6th Marine Regiment, the Army's 2nd Infantry Division, the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, the Army's 3rd Squadron - 4th Cavalry Regiment, and the Army's 1st Battalion - 28th Infantry Regiment, are authorized to wear a fourragère signifying that brigade's award of three Croix de guerre during the World War I, but only while that individual is assigned to the unit.
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Julia From TGR ha dit...
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Julia From TGR ha dit...
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Un administrador del blog ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Julia From TGR ha dit...
Un administrador del blog ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Anònim ha dit...
Un administrador del blog ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Julia From TGR ha dit...
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